Content Posted in 2013
2002 U.S. Supreme Court Term Includes Zoning Referendum Case, Patricia E. Salkin
A Companion to Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, Second Edition: Cases, Scholarship, and Case Studies, Patricia E. Salkin, Andrew F. Popper, and David Avitabile
A Criminal Quartet: The Supreme Court's Resolution of Four Critical Issues in the Criminal Justice System, Richard Klein
Advocacy in Health Proceedings in New York State, Kia C. Franklin
Advocating for a Civil Right to Counsel in New York State, Kathryn G. Madigan
A Judge’s Judge, Sol Wachtler
American Law of Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin
A More Cost Effective Model for Legal Education, Jack Graves
An Act of War: Finding a Meaning for What Congress has Left Undefined, Desiree Gargano
An Analysis of the Death Penalty Jurisprudence of the October 2007 Supreme Court Term, Richard Klein
An Essay on Rebuilding and Renewal in American Legal Education, Jack Graves
An Essay on Rebuilding and Renewal in American Legal Education, Jack Graves
An Overview of the October 2007 Supreme Court Term, Erwin Chemerinsky
"Application of Adverse Impact to Employment Decisions" Chapter 4 in EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW (4th ED. 2007), Published by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, Douglas D. Scherer
Arbitration as Contract: The Need for a Fully Developed and Comprehensive Set of Statutory Default Legal Rules, Jack Graves
Are There Still Collateral Consequences in New York After Padilla?, John H. Wilson
Ascertaining the Burden of Proof for an Award for Punitive Damages in New York? Consult Your Local Appellate Division, Leon D. Lazer and John R. Higgitt
Book Review: Errol Morris, “A Wilderness of Error”: Provocative but Unpersuasive, Richard C. Cahn
Brooklyn Law School: The First Hundred Years, Jeffrey B. Morris
Calmly to Poise the Scales of Justice: A History of the Courts of the District of Columbia Circuit, Jeffrey B. Morris and Chris Rohmann
Canudo on Evidence: Laws of New York, Gary Shaw
Children, Parents & The State: The Construction of a New Family Ideology, Deseriee A. Kennedy
Civil Rights and Related Decisions, Eileen Kaufman
Civil Rights Litigation from the October 2007 Term, Martin A. Schwartz
Congress Misses Twice With The Community Character Act: Will Three Times Be A Charm?, Patricia E. Salkin
Considering the Libel Trial of Émile Zola in Light of Contemporary Defamation Doctrine, Peter A. Zablotsky
Consumer Contracts Law as a Special Branch of Contract Law---The Israeli Model, Sinai Deutch
Court Litigation over Arbitration Agreements: Is it Time for a New Default Rule?, Jack Graves
Criminal Procedure Decisions from the October 2007 Term, Susan N. Herman
Current Developments in Advocacy to Expand the Civil Right to Counsel, Paul Marvy and Laura Klein Abel
David Trager: Jurist, Jeffrey B. Morris
Dean’s Message, Lawrence Raful
Delegation and the Destruction of American Liberties: The Affordable Care Act and the Contraception Mandate, Michael Barone, Jr.
Discrimination Cases In the Supreme Court’s 1998 Term, Eileen Kaufman
Divided Loyalties: The Problem of “Dual Sovereignty” and Constitutional Faith, Sanford Levinson
Dual Sovereignty in Traditional Judaism and Liberal Democracy, William Galston
Due Process in American Military Tribunals After September 11, 2001, Gary Shaw
Duke Rape Case Five Years Later: Lessons for the Academy, the Media, and the Criminal Justice System, Dan Subotnik
Effective Disaster Mitigation Depends Upon Well-Coordinated Local Land Use Planning and Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin
Employment Discrimination: Recent Developments in the Supreme Court (Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1992-93 Term), Eileen Kaufman
Encyclopedia of American History, Jeffrey B. Morris and Richard B. Morris
Environmental Justice And Land Use Planning And Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin
Establishing Justice in Middle America: A History of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Jeffrey B. Morris
Ethics in Land Use: Using Ethical Allegations as a Sword Rather Than a Shield, Patricia E. Salkin
Fifth Amendment Protection for Public Employees: Garrity and Limited Constitutional Protections from Use of Employer Coerced Statements in Internal Investigations and Practical Considerations, J. Michael McGuinness
Flying Solo Without a License: The Right of Pro Se Defendants to Crash and Burn - People v. Smith, Tiffany Frigenti
Foreword to the Conference: The Law: Business or Profession? The Continuing Relevance of Julius Henry Cohen for the Practice of Law in the Twenty-First Century, Samuel J. Levine
Gideon Meets Goldberg: The Case for a Qualified Right to Counsel in Welfare Hearings, Stephen Loffredo and Don Friedman
ICA and the Writing Requirement: Following Modern Trends Towards Liberalization or Are We Stuck in 1958?, Jack Graves
Identity Theft on Social Networking Sites: Developing Issues of Internet Impersonation, Maksim Reznik
Implementation of the APA Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Beginning to Benchmark Success, Patricia E. Salkin
In the Interests of Justice: Human Rights and the Right to Counsel in Civil Cases, Martha F. Davis
Introduction, Andrew Scherer
Introduction: Persecution Through Prosecution: Revisiting Touro Law Center’s Conference in Paris on the Dreyfus Affair and the Leo Frank Trial, Rodger D. Citron
Irresponsible Legislating: Reeling in the Aftermath of Kelo, Patricia E. Salkin
Israel's Constitutional Tragedy, Menachem Lorberbaum
Keynote Address: The Evolution and Importance of Creating a Civil Right to Counsel, Wade Henderson
Law, Religion, and Pluralism: The Thought and Experiences of Nathan Isaacs (1886-1941), Samuel Flaks
Legal Affairs: Dreyfus, Guantánamo, and the Foundation of the Rule of Law, David Cole
Lower Court Compliance with Supreme Court Remands, Elise Borochoff
Making Sure We Are True to Our Founders: The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1970-95, Jeffrey B. Morris
Mediation Representation : Advocating as a Problem Solver, Harold I. Abramson
Michigan Supreme Court Overturns Landmark Eminent Domain Case, Patricia E. Salkin
Modern Reformation: An Overview of New York’s Domestic Relations Law Overhaul, Meaghan E. Howard
Municipal Liability and Liability of Supervisors: Litigation Significance of Recent Trends and Developments, Karen Blum, Celeste Koeleveld, Joel B. Rudin, and Martin A. Schwartz
Navigating the Space Between Dueling Sovereigns, Miriam Galston
New York's Adverse Possession Law: An Abdication of Personal Responsibility, Jonathan M. Vecchi
New York Zoning Law and Practice, 4th edition, Patricia E. Salkin
New York Zoning Law and Practice Report, Patricia E. Salkin
Outward Bound to Other Cultures: Seven Guidelines for U.S. Dispute Resolution Trainers, Harold I. Abramson
Panel Discussion: International, National, and Local Perspectives on Civil Right to Counsel, Andrew Scherer, Martha F. Davis, Debra Gardner, Rosie Mendez, Juanita B. Newton, Adriene Holder, and Laura K. Abel
Party Sophistication and Value Pluralism in Contract, Meredith R. Miller
Peacemaking & Provocation: A Response to Professor Tracey Jean Boisseau, Dan Subotnik
Penalty Clauses and the CISG, Jack Graves
Penalty Clauses as Remedies: Exploring Comparative Approaches to Enforceability, Jack Graves
Planning for Conflicts of Interest in Land Use Decisionmaking: The Use of Alternate Members of Planning and Zoning Boards, Patricia E. Salkin
Pledge, Promise, or Commit: New York's Tenuous Limitations on Judicial Campaign Speech, Noah Hertz-Bunzl
Pocket History of the United States, Jeffrey B. Morris, Allan Nevins, and Henry Steele Commager
Putting the CISG Where It Belongs: In the Uniform Commercial Code, Kina Grbic
Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, Karen Blum, Erwin Chemerinsky, and Martin A. Schwartz
Rape Shield Laws and the Social Media Revolution: Discoverability of Social Media--It's Not Private, Seth I. Koslow
Reflections on Identity, Diversity and Morality, Deborah W. Post
Repulsed by RAP? Renewal Options are Singing a Different Tune: An Analysis of Bleecker Street Tenants Corp. v. Bleeker Jones, LLC, Jonathan M. Vecchi
Securities Violations in 140 Characters or Less: Social Media and Its Growing Impact on the Securities Industry, Kevin Etzel
Seen But Not Heard: Advocating for Children in New York State, Sarah L. Marx
"Sex Discrimination" Chapter 13 in EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW (3D. ED.), Cumulative Supplements 2000, 2002, 2005. Published by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, Douglas D. Scherer
Sheltering Counsel: Towards a Right to a Lawyer in Eviction Proceedings, Raymond H. Brescia
Someone Call 911, Crawford is Dying - People v. Duhs, Caroline Knoepffler
Some Thoughts on Sanford Levinson’s “Divided Loyalties: The Problem of 'Dual Sovereignty' and Constitutional Faith”, David Novak
Special Populations: Mobilization for Change
Speech as a Weapon: Planned Parenthood v. American Coalition of Life Activists and the Need for a Reasonable Listener Standard, Alex J. Berkman
Striking a Balance: The Speech or Debate Clause’s Testimonial Privilege and Policing Government Corruption, Jay Rothrock
Student Rights Up in Smoke: The Supreme Court's Clouded Judgment in Morse v. Frederick, Jeremy Jorgensen
The ABCs of the CISG, Jack Graves
The Banking Contract as a Special Contract: The Israeli Approach, Ruth Plato-Shinar
The Behavior of the French Army During the Dreyfus Affair, General André Bach
The Constitution and National Security, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Doctor Will See You Now: An Argument for Amending the Licensing Process for Handguns in New York City, Alexander C. DePalo
The Eastside Exhibition Rule: The De Minimis Exception for Trifles and Trivialities in Partial Actual Evicition Cases in New York, Stephen L. Ukeiley
"The Good Mother": Mothering, Feminism, and Incarceration, Deseriee A. Kennedy
The Green Development Movement: Smart Growth With a Green Label, Patricia E. Salkin
The Influence of a Jewish Education and Jewish Values on a Jewish Judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein
The Learned-Helpless Lawyer: Clinical Legal Education and Therapeutic Jurisprudence as Antidotes to Bartleby Syndrome, Amy D. Ronner
The Military Trial at Rennes: Text and Subtext of the Dreyfus Affair, Vivian G. Curran
The Next Generation of Planning & Zoning Enabling Acts Is On the Horizon: 2002 Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook Is a Must-Read for Land Use Practitioners, Patricia E. Salkin
The Plight of Bi-National Same-Sex Couples in America, Michael Rivers
The Second Amendment: An Analysis of District of Columbia v. Heller, Eileen Kaufman
The Second Amendment and Gun Control, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Tail Still Wags the Dog: The Pervasive and Inappropriate Influence by the Psychiatric Profession on the Civil Commitment Process, William Brooks
The Time for Civil Gideon is Now, Bernice K. Leber
The Tipping Point on the Scales of Civil Justice, Dennis A. Kaufman
The Tragedy of Hong Kong, Richard Klein
The World’s Youngest Political Prisoner, Richard Klein
To Administer Justice on Behalf of All the People: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York 1965-1990, Jeffrey B. Morris
Toward a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases in New York State: A Report of the New York State Bar Association, Laura K. Abel
Trances, Trials, and Tribulations; Symposium Comparing New York and Federal Evidence Law, Gary Shaw
(Un)Luckey v. Miller: The Case for a Structural Injunction to Improve Indigent Defense Services, Rodger D. Citron
U.S. Supreme Court Hands Two Big Wins to Municipal Governments in 2001-2002 Term, Patricia E. Salkin
U.S. Supreme Court’s 2004 Term Includes Significant Land Use Decisions with a Trilogy of Takings Cases, Patricia E. Salkin
Voting Rights and Freedom of Speech Decisions from the October 2007 Term, Burt Neuborne
Watch Your Step: Recovery for Inmate Slip and Fall - Rodriguez v. City Of New York, Brittany A. Fiorenza
What are we Searching For? Conditions, Elements, and Requirements for a Valid “Searching Inquiry” in the State of New York - People v. Crampe, Dean M. Villani
When Congress Practices Medicine: How Congressional Legislation of Medical Judgment May Infringe a Fundamental Right, Shannon L. Pedersen
When School is not in Session: How Student Drug Testing can Transform Parenting, Amanda R. Lamberson
Where Will the Baby Boomers Go? Planning and Zoning for An Aging Population, Patricia E. Salkin
William E. Nelson, Fighting for the City: A History of the New York City Corporation Counsel, Douglas D. Scherer