Touro Law Center’s Journal of Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (the “Journal”) is a student-run online scholarly journal that provides a forum for legal issues related to race, gender and ethnicity. In addition to publishing scholarly articles, the Journal sponsors panel discussions that feature presentations by legal scholars, judges and practitioners. Membership on the Journal offers students an avenue to practice and refine their writing, research and editing skills. Student authored articles, along with articles submitted from a wide variety of sources, are considered for publication. Membership is open to students who meet minimum academic requirements and who successfully compete in the Journal’s writing competitions.
Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1 (2024)
Prefatory Matter
Channeling a Federal Commitment to Education Through State Constitutions and Courts
Nicole Sunderlin and Evan Caminker
Leandro v. State: The Challenges of Litigating School Funding Equity in Hyper-Partisan Times
Mark Dorosin
Politics and School Libraries, Legal Challenges and Impacts
Dr. Cynthia Boyer
Protecting Students’ Right to Listen by Statute
Noah C. Chauvin
IDEA Manifestation Determination Review as Restorative Practice
Matt Saleh, Barbara J. Hickman, Angela M. T. Prince, LaWanda H. Cook, Jackie Bickford, Kristie Chu, and Erika Kitsantas
Externships for Equity
Lauren K. Valastro
AI as a Tool for Education Equity: A Review of Recent Literature
Jace F. Peterkin-Rawls, J.D.