Touro Law Review
Prefatory Matter
A Passion for Justice
Charles A. Reich
Section 1983 Litigation: Post-Pearson and Post-Iqbal
Karen M. Blum
The October 2008 Term: First Amendment and Then Some
Burt Neuborne
Employment Discrimination Decisions from the October 2008 Term
Drew S. Days III
Federal Governmental Power: The Voting Rights Act
Michael C. Dorf
Constitutional Litigation under Section 1983 and the Bivens Doctrine in the October 2008 Term
Martin A. Schwartz
The Psychotherapist and the Attorney/Client Privileges as They Arise in Civil Rights Disputes
Lewis M. Wasserman
Counterparts in Modern Policing: The Influence of Corporate Investigators on the Public Police and a Call for the Broadening of the State Action Doctrine
Sean James Beaton
The Praise of Silly: Critical Legal Studies and the Roberts Court
James F. Lucarello