Touro Law Review
Prefatory Matter
Lawyers and Social Media: The Legal Ethics of Tweeting, Facebooking and Blogging
Michael E. Lackey Jr. and Joseph P. Minta
Strict Interpretation of 35 U.S.C. § 112: Requires Universities to Examine Their Patenting Methods
Sharon Barkume and Michael R. Bielski
The Privatization of Civil Justice: An Exposition on New York's Prompt Payment Law and Its Imposition of Mandatory Arbitration
James M. Tsimis
Intellectual Property Comments
Practising Law Institutes Annual Trial Evidence Symposium
Trial Evidence 2011: Advocacy, Analysis, & Illustrations
Martin A. Schwartz, Deborah Jones Merritt, and William G. Young
Social Media, The Sixth Amendment, and Restyling: Recent Developments in the Federal Laws of Evidence
Deborah Jones Merritt
Impeachment Methods Illustrated: Movies, Novels, and High Profile Cases
Martin A. Schwartz and John Nicodemo