Touro Law Review
Prefatory Matter
First Amendment
The Difficulty of Balancing the Doctrine of Prior Restraint with the Right of Privacy
Bridgette Nunez
Second Amendment
Fourth Amendment
A “Workplace Exception”: Exploring the Legal Loophole That Allows for Warrantless GPS Tracking of Government Employees’ Personal Vehicles
Antonia J. Broughton
Pot in My Backyard: Curtilage Concept Endorsed by the Queens Supreme Court to Suppress Physical Evidence of Marijuana
Laura J. Mulholland
When Does Force Become Excessive?
Taryn Prusinski
Fifth Amendment
Sixth Amendment
Fools Rush in Where Lawyers Would Better Tread: The Right to Self-Representation and Related Standards of Competency
Julia M. Capie
The Availability of Benefit of the Bargain Expectancy-Based Damages for Buyers Defrauded in California Real Estate Transactions
Laurence A. Steckman, Robert E. Conner, and Kris Steckman Taylor
Data Privacy Regulation in the Age of Smartphones
Matthew Hettrich
First Amendment
The Difficulty of Balancing the Doctrine of Prior Restraint with the Right of Privacy
Bridgette Nunez
Fourth Amendment
A “Workplace Exception”: Exploring the Legal Loophole That Allows for Warrantless GPS Tracking of Government Employees’ Personal Vehicles
Antonia J. Broughton
Pot in My Backyard: Curtilage Concept Endorsed by the Queens Supreme Court to Suppress Physical Evidence of Marijuana
Laura J. Mulholland
When Does Force Become Excessive?
Taryn Prusinski