Touro Law Review
Prefatory Matter
Symposium: Jewish Law in Comparative Context
Foreword to the Symposium: Jewish Law in Comparative Context
Samuel J. Levine
Inducing Acts in Rabbinic Law
Amy Birkan
Religious Alternative Dispute Resolution in Israel and Other Nations With State-Sponsored Religious Courts: Crafting a More Efficient and Better Relationship Between Rabbinical Courts and Arbitration Law in Israel
Michael J. Broyde and Ezra Ives
Jewish Law and the Concept of Negligence
Steven F. Friedell
Partnership, Democracy, and Self-Rule in Jewish Law
Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Let the Earth Teach You Torah: Sustainability in Jewish Law
Itzchak E. Kornfeld
Leave Your Stereotypes at the Door: The Importance of Context in the Halls of Congress and the Garden of Torah
Rabbi Michael Levy
Witness for the Self: Miranda v. Arizona’s Political Theology
Graham James McAleer
Was Yosef on the Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash, and Classical Jewish Sources: A Review
John Elder Robison
Rights and Obligations: Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
Sharon Shapiro-Lacks
Restoring Trust in the Judiciary: A Critical, High Priority Project for the Biden Administration
Richard C. Cahn
In Memoriam, Marvin Schick, Pioneer in the Study of Courts
Jeffrey B. Morris
National Animal Abuse Registry Reform: To Be Effective and Provide Prospective, a National Animal Abuse Registry Must Be the Next Directive
Kaleigh M. Gorman