Touro Law Review
Prefatory Matter
Symposium: Aging, Health, Equity and the Law Conference
Aging, Health, Equity, and the Law: Foreword
Joan C. Foley
Safeguarding the Public: Why Workers’ Rights Education Should Be Required Learning for Nurses
Esperanza N. Sanchez
End of Life, Elder Abuse, and Guardianship: An Exploration of New York’s Surrogate Decision-Making Framework
Tristan Sullivan-Wilson, Esq.; Deirdre Lok, Esq.; and Joy Solomon, Esq.
Balancing Clashing Scholars’ Academic Freedoms
Sharona Aharoni-Goldenberg and Gerry Leisman
Roadmap to Reconciliation: An Institutional and Conceptual Framework for Jewish-Muslim Engagement
J. R. Rothstein, Esq.; Shlomo Pill; and Ariel J. Liberman, Esq.
Blurring the Line Between Student and Employee: Exploitation of For-Profit College Students
Michele Abatangelo
Baby, We Were Born This Way: The Case for Making Sexual Orientation a Suspect Classification Under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
Jennifer R. Covais
You Have the Right to Remain Silent, and It Can and Will Be Used Against You: Addressing Post-Arrest Pre-Miranda Silence
Maria P. Hirakis
How COVID-19 Put the Spotlight on the EMTALA
Ikra Kafayat
Improper Distinction Under the ADA Leads to an Irrational Outcome: Favoring One Life over Another
Daniel Frederick Parise
Once Mentally Ill, Always a Danger? Lifetime Bans on Gun Ownership Under Fire Following Involuntary Commitment
Amanda Pendel
This Is Your Captain Speaking, Please Remain Physically Restrained While the Robbery Is in Progress
Conner J. Purcell