Content Posted in 2024
Acing the Bar Exam : A Checklist Approach to Taking the Bar Exam, Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus
A Euclid Dissent, Michael Lewyn
A Graphic Novel About Housing Policy, Michael Lewyn
AI as a Tool for Education Equity: A Review of Recent Literature, Jace F. Peterkin-Rawls, J.D.
A License to Discriminate? 303 Creative v. Elenis and Where the Supreme Court May Go, Christopher J. Manettas
A Quantum Congress, Jorge R. Roig
Breaching the Walls of the Inviolable Citadel: The Supreme Court's Treatment of the Lemon Test and its Progeny, Christopher C. Spinosa Jr.
Can DNA Be Speech?, Jorge R. Roig
Channeling a Federal Commitment to Education Through State Constitutions and Courts, Nicole Sunderlin and Evan Caminker
Community Caretaking Exception Saves Lives . . . the Supreme Court Disagrees, Gabriella Lorenzo
¿Con la misma vara? Los altibajos de la igual protección de las leyes en las Opiniones del Juez Federico Hernández Denton, Jorge R. Roig
Courting Citation Consistency: Justice Frankfurter and West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish, Helen J. Knowles-Gardner
Developing a Student's "Thought Monitor", Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Developing a Student’s “Thought Monitor”, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Dissecting Problems Areas with Answering Multiple-Choice Questions, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Do Americans Support More Housing?, Michael Lewyn
Emerging Technologies and Dwindling Speech, Jorge Roig
Engineering Standards In Highway Design Litigation, Michael Lewyn
Equal Protection and the Procedural Bar Doctrine in Federal Habeas Corpus, Laura Dooley
Exploring the Impact of the Marriage Amendments: Can Public Employers Offer Domestic Partner Benefits to Their Gay and Lesbian Employees?, Tiffany C. Graham
Externships for Equity, Lauren K. Valastro
Felix Frankfurter, Collector of People, John Q. Barrett
Felix Frankfurter: Liberal Lawyer, Conservative Justice, Jed S. Rakoff
First Amendment Restrictions On Title I Programs In Private Schools, Laura Dooley
Foreword, Patricia B. Barnett
Foreword: The Life, Work & Legacy of Felix Frankfurter, the Justice Known as “FF”, Rodger D. Citron
For Jack, Man of the Book, Laura Dooley
Franchising Law in the United States Between Theory and Practice: Heads Up for Foreign Investors, Radwa Elsaman
Green Amendments Land Use and Transportation: What Could Go Wrong?, Michael Lewyn
How I Compete with “the Donald” and Teach Them to Write: the Forensic IRAC, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
How to Impeach a Verdict: A Response to Melanie C. Regis, Cynara Hermes McQuillan
IDEA Manifestation Determination Review as Restorative Practice, Matt Saleh, Barbara J. Hickman, Angela M. T. Prince, LaWanda H. Cook, Jackie Bickford, Kristie Chu, and Erika Kitsantas
Imminence Should Not Be a Controlling Factor in the Duress Defense in the Context of Battered Women, Jacqueline Fink
“Improve Your Privileges While They Stay”: A Guide to Improve the Privileges of U.S. Citizenship for Everybody, Joshua J. Schroeder
In a New York State of Mind: The Corporate Trustee’s Toolkit for Effectuating Non-Judicial Trust Modifications in the Empire State, Michael J. Borger
(In)Coherence in Employment Contract Law: Response to Professors Arnow-Richman and J.H. Verkerke, Meredith R. Miller
Incomplete Streets, Michael Lewyn
In re Polo Grounds Area Project I: Lessons from a Forgotten Lawsuit, Robert M. Jarvis
Internally Buffered Districts: A New Technique to Make Zoning Less Exclusionary, William Leaf and Michael Lewyn
International Arbitration of SEP FRAND Royalties, Steven Pepe, Samuel Brenner, and Michael Morales
International Conflict Resolution: Consensual ADR Processes, Harold Abramson, Jaqueline Nolan-Haley, and Pat Chew
Interpreting Ethics Rules, Samuel J. Levine
Is Jacobson v. Massachusetts Viable After a Century of Dormancy? A Review in the Face of COVID-19, Sawan Talwar
It's Not Just a Writing Problem, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
“It’s the End of the World as We Know It” –Redrafting Amendment to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 26 to Allow Remote Testimony, Alisson Sandoval
John Marshall and Felix Frankfurter: An Icon and a Disappointment?, William E. Nelson
Judges in Their Own Cases: Biblical Kings and Supreme Court Justices, Joshua Segev
Leandro v. State: The Challenges of Litigating School Funding Equity in Hyper-Partisan Times, Mark Dorosin
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence, Christopher C. Spinosa Jr.
Lost in the Thicket, Brad Snyder
Making IRAC Visible, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus and Nancy Chanin
Mediating Pluralism: Felix Frankfurter’s Commitment to Majoritarian Democracy, Dalia Tsuk
Mental Health in Prison: The Unintended but Catastrophic Effects of Deinstitutionalization, Felicia Mulholland
Mental Hygiene Law Article 81 Proceedings in New York State and the Associated Deprivation of One’s Civil Rights and Autonomy: Are We Really Helping?, Giulia R. Marino
Merging the Bench, Bar, and Law Schools: How a Student Scholars Program Achieves Professional Identity Through Scholarly Writing, Mentorship, and Presentation, Joan Foley, Robin Boyle, and Troy Kessler
Montana's Rural Version of the School-to-Prison Pipeline: School Discipline and Tragedy on American Indian Reservations, Melina Healey
National Juries for National Cases: Preserving Citizen Participation in Large-Scale Litigation, Laura Dooley
New York Law of Domestic Violence, Melissa L. Breger, Deseriee A. Kennedy, and Jill M. Zuccardy
No Parking Anytime: The Legality and Wisdom of Maximum Parking and Minimum Density Requirements, Michael Lewyn and Judd Schechtman
Obergefell and Resistance, Tiffany C. Graham
Opening Up The In-House: A Model for Collaborative Holistic Services and Education in Law School Clinical Programs, Melina Healey
Our Juries, Our Selves: The Power, Perception, and Politics of the Civil Jury, Laura Dooley
Pandemics of Limitation of Rights, Rinat Kitai-Sangero
Politics and School Libraries, Legal Challenges and Impacts, Dr. Cynthia Boyer
Protecting Students’ Right to Listen by Statute, Noah C. Chauvin
Protection in a Virtual Reality: The Dire Need for Trademark and Copyright Law Expansion to Encompass Digital Content Within the Metaverse, Amber N. Roibu
Recent Case Law on "Coming to the Nuisance", Michael Lewyn
Response to the Society of American Law Teachers Statement on the Bar Exam, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Rethinking Section Five: Deference, Direct Regulation, and Restoring Congressional Authority to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, Tiffany C. Graham
Second Amendment: Incompatible Methodologies and the Bruen and Heller Opinions' Underlying Misalignment, Henry H. Robinson
Sign Your Name on the Dotted Line . . . Is Netflix’s Squid Game Something More than Mere Child’s Play?, Samantha Karpman
Something Old, Something New: Civic Virtue and the Case for Same-Sex Marriage, Tiffany C. Graham
Sounds of Silence on the Civil Jury, Laura Dooley
Sprawl in Canada and the United States, Michael Lewyn
Stumbling Toward Equity: The Role of Government in Kidney Transplantation, Laura Dooley and Robert Gaston
Subjectively Speaking, the Applicable Standard for Deficient Medical Treatment of Pretrial Detainees Should Be One of Objective Reasonableness, Benjamin R. Black
Super Problems in Superstar Cities, Michael Lewyn and Beth Gazes
Takings, Original Meaning, and Applying Property Law Principles to Fix Penn Central, John M. Groen
Teaching IRAC to First-Year Students, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
The Author-Ity of AI: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Artificial Intelligence Authorship, John R. Sepúlveda
The Bar Exam in a Nutshell, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
The Case Against The Case For Zoning, Michael Lewyn
The Case Against The Case for Zoning, Michael Lewyn
The Categorical Imperative: In Search of the Mythical Perfect Privilege Log So Devoutly to Be Wished, Jared S. Sunshine
The Courts vs. The Cities, Michael Lewyn
“The Cruelty Is the Point”: Using Buck v. Bell as a Tool for Diversifying Instruction in the Law School Classroom, Tiffany C. Graham
The Crypto Revolution: A Comparative Analysis of Crypto Regulation in the United States and the European Union, Joseph Galasso
The Cult of Finality: Rethinking Collateral Estoppel in the Postmodern Age, Laura Dooley
The Dilution Effect: Federalization, Fair Cross-Sections, and the Concept of Community, Laura Dooley
The First Thing We Do, Jorge R. Roig
The Law Professor as Public Intellectual: Felix Frankfurter and the Public and Its Government, R. B. Bernstein
The Mad Hatter’s Quip: Looking for Logic in the Independent State Legislature Theory, Nicholas Maggio and Foreword by Brendan Buschi
The Middle Class, Urban Schools and Choice, Michael Lewyn
The Punishment of Cruel and Unusual Conditions: Extending the Purely Objective Standard Adopted in Kingsley v. Hendrickson to Claims of Deliberate Indifference, Samantha M. Davis
The School-to-Prison Pipeline Tragedy on Montana's American Indian Reservations, Melina Healey
The Shifting Doctrinal Face of Immutability, Tiffany C. Graham
Trustless Trust and Antitrust: A Synthesis, Matt Blaszczyk
Unequal Racial Access to Kidney Transplantation, Laura Dooley and Robert Gaston
Unequal Racial Access to Kidney Transplantation, Laura Dooley, Ian Ayres, and Robert S. Gaston
Using "Forensic IRAC" to Teach Students to Write, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Why I Teach, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Why I Teach, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus
Why the United States Should Change Its Standards for Food Additives, Sara Smith
Yes, Low-Income People Do Move, Michael Lewyn